Welcome to the first blog post for my Untitled Horror Game!
UHG is the temporary name for an individual project I am participating in at Augustana College (CSC 400). My main goal is to make a horror game that does not rely heavily on cheap jump scares and over the top blood and gore. I intend on creating a game that uses a combination of scripted events and a heavily detailed environments to build unease within the player, making them think that something is always watching.
For this project, I will be using Unreal Engine 4.27. My main reasoning behind this decision is that I believe that UE has very high levels of visual fidelity and easy to use visual scripting. I will, however, make it a personal goal to use a combination of C++ scripting and blueprint scripting to better my knowledge of C++ in Unreal.
Despite this already being the second week of the semester, I am still working on the game design document and blocking out the basic map. I have also started creating the central house that the player will spend a majority of their time inside during gameplay. I have been using the latest version of Blender with the Hard Ops plugin to start creating the layout of the house with boolean cuts, allowing for better flexibility when redesigning.

I intend on providing weekly updates for this project, so stay tuned!